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Enterprise Library 3.0 to have Environmental Overrides

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 28-02-2007


Sometimes you read a blog post and you are so excited to see such a feature announced in a new product that you blog about it yourself.  This is one of those posts.

After moving to Windows Vista I had troubles with RSSBandit and had fallen behind on my news needless to say so sorry for those that already read this announcement from Olaf about EntLib 3.0.

Moving from environment to environment is something a lot enterprise customers deal with.  We spend thousands upon thousands of dollars replicating environments to test our software, yet we are left normally coming up with our own solutions to handle changes from environment to environment. 

That is why I am happy to see this new feature added to the CTP release of Enterprise Library 3.0.  Here is a screen shot of how things will be handled in the console tool:

Environmental Overrides in Configuration Tool


Here is how the system works as quoted by Olaf:

Every environment that is configured in the tool, will maintain its own “Environment Delta File” (or .dconfig file), which is updated after saving the configuration as a whole. This Environment Delta File contains all the differences specific to that environment and some additional metadata for merging the differences into a new and complete configuration file that can be deployed. The main advantage here is that an Environment Delta File can be distributed separately of the original configuration file and managed by someone that has access to all the passwords, server-names and what not of the different environment.

Very cool stuff.  Olaf also noted a command line tool which will assist in automating the build process for each environment.   Great stuff!

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