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WCF and WF No Application Endpoints Error

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in WCF, Workflow Foundation | Posted on 13-03-2008

One of the new additions for Windows Workflow in .Net 3.5 was the ability to host Workflows using Windows Communication Foundation.  Two new activities were added to help with this.  The ReceiveActivity and the SendActivity.  I was recently playing with this and ran into a configuration error so I thought I’d post this to help others. 

After I had configured my workflow with a ReceiveActivity I added a WCF IIS project to my solution.  I configured it the way I thought it would work but I kept getting this error.  This was suppose to be a simple “hello world” experiment with WCF and WF but a few minutes later I was still scratching my head.

Service ‘Service.YourService’ has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no service element matching the service name could be found in the configuration file, or because no endpoints were defined in the service element.

My service file in my IIS project looked like this:

<%@ ServiceHost Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WorkflowServiceHostFactory" Language="VB" Debug="true" Service="CHCWorkflow.Prescriptions" %>

And my WCF configuration was like this:



For some reason when I configured the WCF service and when I configured the Workflow I changed my naming convention.  Here was the fix. 

  1. Go into the properties of the workflow by right clicking the workflow and pressing properties in the menu.
  2. In the properties window expand the WorkflowServiceAttributes node
  3. Make sure the ConfigurationName property matches the name in the WCF configuration.  Here is a screen shot of the WCF configuration utility side beside the property to show you were I goofed.

Once I got the names in sync the service started working.  I’m sure someone will run into this so I hope this saves you the headache it caused me. 

Comments (4)

Thanks, but it didn’t solve my problem.
I hope this message doesn’t help anyone.


That solved my problem….

It was my problem also!!


That’s a good one!! I just came across this and it helped me 🙂 much obliged!

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