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DevLink: Get On The Bus Gus, Its Time To Discuss Much!

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in DevLink | Posted on 25-06-2008

Just drop off the key Lee and set yourself free!  Words from a great classic song no doubt (changed up a little to fit the occasion).  What is this about?  The DevLink bus of course!

Amanda Launcher is organizing a bus trip to pickup people all the way from Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky for the DevLink conference. 


There will be community leaders on the bus, .Net User Group leaders, MVPs, Microsoft Evangelist and more.  As she put it on her blog, it is a great time to really dig deep with a lot of the experts. 

More information about the bus.

Of course space is going to be limited so you better get signed up as soon as information comes available.  Oh, and if you haven’t registered for DevLink, remember you only have a few days left until registration goes up to $75.00.  Stop procrastinating and go register.  You may not think it matters to register early but it REALLY helps those of us organizing the event.  It is hard to budget for an event if you don’t know how many are coming.  Thus, go sign up!

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