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Do I Search That Much?

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Internet | Posted on 24-07-2008

Did you know that Google keeps a history of things for you on their site? Try http://www.google.com/history/ if you have a Google account.  You’ll find some interesting information out about yourself.  For example I had no idea that I searched more in the month of May than any other month coming in at 792 searches.


I also didn’t know that I search for more things on the Internet on Monday than any other day.  It must be all of that downtime built up from the weekend before.


Of course they are just interesting numbers but it just shows me how much I rely on search day to day.

If you have a Google account, see which days you search the most on.  I’m sure someone can beat my scores.  Who searches more than me?

Comments (3)

Ok, you have me beat. I also see I get more sleep than you do since I have 0 during the early morning hours.

The web wouldn’t be nearly as useful without Google. I got you beat Keith. I do around 1000 searches a month. http://www.scrnshots.com/users/a7an/screenshots/35441

I turned mine off long ago, I don’t want the government telling the aliens what I’m searching for.

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