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Codemash 2010 Slides – .NET Basics

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in .Net, MVP10 | Posted on 27-02-2010

I committed a major faux pas as far as speakers go.  I woke up this morning and realized I had never published my slide decks for the full day Precompiler I did at Codemash 2010 on Back to The Bascis with .NET.  To correct this travesty I immediately grabbed the folder, compressed it and uploaded it to my site for the world to enjoy (or print copies of and burn, either way).  You can find all five decks along with some of the demos at the following URL:


Abstract: This all-day session is targeted to anyone new to .NET. You’ll start out with basic “What is .NET?” and move through building applications on in various .NET technologies. Topics covered include:

  • What is .NET? Discusses the fundamentals of the .NET platform, what it is, where it can be used, and a few myths about .NET.
  • How to Use Your Hammer – Visual Studio Walks you through how to use Visual Studio features like Intellisense, Source Control integration, debugging, and other critical foundational skills.
  • A Programmer’s Primer Programming in C# Covers the basics of the C# language from Object Oriented Programming principles all the way to generics, collections, and LINQ. This is a programmer’s primer, which means you should already know at least one language and have some experience programming.
  • Client Applications Covers standard Windows applications, Windows mobile applications and newer Windows applications based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
  • Web ApplicationsCovers the variety of ways to build web-based applications in .NET. standard ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight and Web Services.

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