Here is a medical update for Friday. I decided to blog because A) it wouldn’t fit in 140 characters B) not everyone is on Facebook C) DRY (don’t repeat yourself). Here’s the latest.
I saw the doctor that operated on my chest on Thursday mid-morning. He said I was healing nicely and the biggest news is the tissue he took out was benign (in other words not cancerous). That’s a HUGE relief! The doctor did say there was cell activity and it would have continued to grow so it was a good thing it was taken out. All in all that’s good news all the way around. I still have soreness and can’t pickup heavy objects but feel fine otherwise.
This morning I saw the eye doctor. I had a list of questions for him answer and we got into a side conversation about Windows 7. The past few days have started out good, but turned miserable after about lunch. I’ve had major headaches in the evening, excessive water, glares, flares, etc. The doctor said to continue to take it easy and there was some fluid that hadn’t gone away yet that should. I’m suppose to report back in next Friday for another checkup.
According to the doctor it will be about a month before my eye returns to normal and it still won’t be as it was, I’ll be more near-sighted. In about a month I can start to look at getting a corrective lens prescription to fully correct my eye sight back to where I can see.
As far as work I don’t know if I can return on Monday or not. It is killing me not to be productive and I hope the next few days bring me over the top to where I can start to return to life as normal. We’ll see how things are when I wake up on Monday.
What have I learned from this experience?
- Save up sick days at work, you never know when you’ll need them (One day I could see, the next I couldn’t!)
- Keep up on life’s duties (bills, yard, pets, etc), you never know when you’ll be down and you don’t want to get behind
- Keep an emergency stash of cash around in case you have trouble because things you normally do yourself, someone else is going to have to do them for you (yard, weed eating, dog grooming, house cleaning, cooking, etc)
- (ps – please disregard any typos or grammatical errors, eye can’t see dang it!)