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Day of .Net in Memphis Nov 10th

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Speaking | Posted on 27-10-2007

imageDay of .Net in Memphis is right around the corner.  I’ll be there to speak on an Intro to Workflow Foundation as well as how to organize solutions and projects within Visual Studio.  Collin Neller is working hard to put the event on and there will be lots of great speakers there.  In no particular order speakers slated are Jeff Blankenburg, Mickey Gousset, Jon Box, Jerry Dixon, Alan Stevens, Tim Rayburn, Dan Evans, Dan Petit, Sudhir Chandraskhar, Michael Neel, and Allen Noakes.

Comments (1)

Well, it’s been awhile since you presented, but I was at the Memphis Day of .Net, saw your sessions, and just wanted to drop you a few lines saying I enjoyed the talk. I’m going to CodeMash in January, and hopefully I’ll be able to see your more advanced WF presentation. Keep it up!

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