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Presenting at Hub City NUG Nov 20th – New Language Features in C# 3.0

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Presentations | Posted on 25-10-2008

I’ll be presenting at the next meeting for Hub City NUG to be held on November 20th at 7:00 PM at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Location: College Hall, Room 100
Date: 11/20/2008
Time: 6:30 – 9:00PM  (refreshments served at 6:30, presentation 7:00, giveaways after presentation)
Presentation Topic: New Language Features in C# 3.0
Presenter:  Me


(click map for full version)

Presentation Abstract
Are you tired of writing foreach loops or loops in general?  Did you know with the launch of Visual Studio 2008 and the .Net 3.5 framework new language features exist in C# 3.0 to help you write your code differently?  One of the many enhancements in this release were new language features to one of the core .Net languages, C#.  In this session we’ll take an in depth look at the various features of C# 3.0.  We will explore the old way developers wrote code (using foreach loops for example) in C# and then transpose the code to take advantage of new language features like Lambda Expressions, Extension Methods, Anonymous Types, LINQ and more. 

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