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Help Me Connect the Southern Community

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Community | Posted on 03-03-2010

If you are reading this and you live in the South as a .NET developer or someone who is learning .NET or finds it interesting I need your help.  Head over to the following URL and join in with fellow developers and community within the South.


UPDATE: Note that it asks for a reason *why* you want to join. I would turn that off but I can’t in the settings so put in whatever.

Purpose of the group

The purpose of the group is to break through the boundaries of the community.  To let it breath and flourish as needed without the worry about state lines.  A lot of us in the community coordinate events, code camps and need help from one another and need a way to discuss and keep up with what is going.  Today a lot of this information lives in silos within one region or the other.  This group is about connecting the dots throughout the community regardless of where you live. 

So if you are in the South, or even on the border of what you think of as the South join me in establishing a group that can hopefully serve us all.

Start The Discussion

After joining the group there are multiple ways to connect with the group.  The preferred way is to simply email the group when you have announcements or need help by sending email to southerndevs@groups.live.com

Tell Your Friends

We can’t grow the group without your help.  If you are reading this, email the group to co-workers, friends, and so on.  Let’s get the ball rolling!

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