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Another Personality Test – Left or Right Brain

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Funny Stuff | Posted on 17-10-2007

Ok here we go again.  I’ve posted several personality tests to the site and usually several of you joined in by posting yours so here we go again!

In the past we did:

What Transformer Would You Be

Programmer Personality

So today let’s do are you left brain or right brain. Here’s my results which are pretty interesting.  I guess it means I am well rounded.  I think this means that I’m logically visual, articulately figurative and practically intuitive.  🙂  If I ever have to interview again (which I hope I never do again) and someone asks me to describe myself that’s what I’m saying:

Logically visual, articulately figurative and practically intuitive

 Here are the official results.

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (46%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (54%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain

Are You Right or Left Brained?(word pair test)
personality tests by similarminds.com

Another quick test to take is this one.


On this one the girl spins clock wise but also appears to stop, and then at times, occasionally she goes the other way.  So one test says I’m weighted more left, and then another says I’m right.

Ok fire up your browsers, take the tests and let’s see where you land!

Will You Hire Me When I’m Fifty?

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Programming | Posted on 15-10-2007

I was catching up on some reading tonight and came across an article about an ex-employee at Google who filed a law suit because he felt he had been dismissed on unfair grounds.  One of the things noted in the evidence of the case was his colleagues referred to him as “old man”, “old guy” and an “old fuddy-duddy”. 

Reading the comments on the article further down a person named johns had this comment.

Applying to IT companies when you are mid 40’s or above is a real crapshoot. Age discrimination is rampant in IT.

That got me to thinking.  Will I be a fuddy-duddy as I age?  What are some things that I can do to not come across as a fuddy-duddy as I get older?  Is my career in IT really limited to a certain age?  If I have a great job today and then because of changes in life I have to leave that job to find another, will I get re-hired?  Or will I be perceived as an old aging dinosaur that has arthritis and can’t type?

One might think that I’d be thought of as a wiser more experienced person and you’d be right to think that.  Of course with more wisdom comes a higher salary and if I am 45-50 years old how many employers are going to be willing to pay me what I am really worth?  Hmmm.  Could this be why most “consultants” are older?  I mean you really don’t see young self-employed consultants.  Sure there are exclusions to this but in general I can’t think of a young consultant that is self employed.  I use to be a consultant but the difference is I didn’t work for myself. 

What about age 60?  Would you hire a 60 year old IT person?  Would you be willing to take a chance on a guy/lady that is only a few years away from retiring?   It is definitely something for us to think about and keep in mind as we get older.

After thinking about this more I think getting older and whether or not someone will hire the ever aging programmer has to do with perception and personality of that programmer.  Not personal perception, but public perception.  In other words how people perceive you to be.  For example, I would like to think I would never wear shorts with blue dress socks and dress shoes in public as I get older.  I mean how hard is to put on tennis shoes and white socks and present yourself in a more friendly manner that doesn’t come across to someone you have a severe lack of ability to put things together that match?    In my mind I think, “well, if he can’t match his clothes, how can I trust him to match the best technology to solve a problem”. 

 Sure one gets cool points for being different but only from people that also have dress socks and dress shoes on.  In other words everyone else is deducting cool points.  My point is the way we are perceived may have a lot to do with finding employment later on.  Here is another example that may help drive the point home.  It is really no different than the punk rock kid coming into an interview for a wall street position.  He looks like he just fell into a tackle box with more metal attached to his bottom lip than what is in the front axle of my truck.  Sure no one is going to say he was discriminated against during the interview but there is a thing I like to label as personal perception discrimination.  It does exist and just remember you read it here first.  If you don’t believe me, watch how many people feel “uncomfortable” around bikers.  A lot of bikers are nice guys and a lot of them are lawyers, doctors, professionals etc.   But, you can clear a bar in 10 seconds if a crew of bikers pull up.  Why?  Perception.  People perceive them as being bad and causing trouble.  Just as if you look old, are grumpy out of date etc., people are going to perceive you as not worth hiring.  At least that is my theory.

I’ve worked with guys that were older in IT and some seemed young for their age while others seemed old.  I’ve even seen guys that were perceived as being fairly young but the first time they opened their mouth they definitely sounded old.  Even if you don’t come across as an old fogy at first glance, your next point of failure may be when you open your mouth.  We’ve all watched the movie Grumpy Old Men and I’m sure no one would want to work with a grumpy old person.  Yet, as we get older, the trend is for us to get more opinionated.  One can definitely come across as a harsh old bastard who likes to sit around and talk about how he got started in the computer industry on a computer with 1K of memory that he built from scratch out of toothpicks and copper wire.  If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years is the way you sound and treat people is very important.    In other words, no one wants to work with grumpy old bastard programmer who calls everyone young whipper-snapper no matter how good he might be. 

I would like to think this will not be a problem in the future but it will definitely be interesting to go back to this article in the year 2022 when I turn 50 and see what the state of affairs for the older generation programmer holds.  Hopefully those who kept their axes sharp and skills up with the current times will be able to find and keep gainful employment just as easy as they did when they were younger.  Time will tell.

DevLink 2007 Recap and Pictures

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in DevLink, Speaking | Posted on 15-10-2007

DevLink 2007 016The Elder is officially back from DevLink.  Time to catch up on work, sleep and set the sights on future talks.  Before I put the DevLink memories to bed here is a recap of the conference. 


Thursday night as noted here, the speakers ate at Stoney River.  I took pictures of everyone so check out the speaker pictures.  And yes, Wally is in most of them because everyone needs http://www.morewally.com in their life (for those that have been paying attention).   One thing I didn’t post about earlier was I did get into a discussion with Brad Abrams at dinner about Smart Clients, WPF, Silverlight, etc.  It was good to hear where he thinks things are headed with regards to the various technologies.


Friday morning I had the first session after the key note.  I got there about 30 minutes early and that turned out to be a good thing.  While the room was setup, it wasn’t setup in a conducive manner for giving talks that required programming.  The DevLink folks jumped in and got someone from the University to help out and the problem was solved.  This talk was on “Leveraging Enterprise Library in your Applications”.  Basically the talk was on how to get started with EntLib and how to use the various blocks, the console, etc.  And of course why you would want to use it.  I got a lot of positive comments on the talk and that is good.

After the talk it was back to the speakers room to eat lunch and prepare for the next talk after lunch.  For me the most interesting conversation comes out of the speakers room a lot of times with so much diversity.  When I got there David Laribee, Jeff McWherter, Allan Stevens, Rob Foster, Jon Box, Mark Dunn, Mickey Goussett, Billy Hollis, Rob Howard, David Silverlight and Rob Windsor were all hanging out.  It was quite the room full.  I grabbed a quick sandwich and fired up my demos for the next talk to make sure they worked.

My second talk was on “What’s new for Smart Clients in Visual Studio 2008”.  During the talk Brad Abrams walked in, talking about pressure to perform!  It is amazing how time flies because I had to rush to get done in the end and skip a few demos. 

DevLink 2007 009Later that evening we had a what I thought was a fairly decent little supper at the conference.  Then we had entertainment from a local comedian who was awesome.  After the show was over we sat around and talked it up and then headed to the bar.  A bunch of us rolled out to Jonathan’s Grill and commenced to having drinks.   Good times, good conversation.  Josh Holmes got a head massage at the bar from the waitress which I think was the highlight of the evening.


I had to get my oil changed in my truck so I found a local Five-Star Chrysler dealer.  I got back to the conference in time for lunch where I found Mickey, Rob, Jon and Ron Jacobs in the speaker room.   Later Kathleen Dollard, Allan, Jeff and David came in and we got into some pretty good conversation around agile development. 

After the conference a bunch of us went out to Showgun’s and ate some hibachi.   We started out with a reservation for 10 but we had 14 show up.  It was a pretty good crowd to say the least.  Check out the pictures starting here.  After food we headed back to Jonathan’s Grill.  After Jonathan’s several of us rolled downtown to hear some live Nashville music.  I think I was the only person that knew all the songs though.  After that we headed to Waffle House for our forth meal and then back to the hotel.

As you can see it was a great time, the pictures speak for themselves.  Since this is the first conference I’ve ever attended in the South, I have to say that I enjoyed not being the only Southerner.  Many thanks to John Kellar and the volunteers for hosting the conference.  I definitely will be back next year. 


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DevLink Speakers Dinner 2007 – The Who’s Who of DevLink!

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Presentations, Speaking | Posted on 12-10-2007

image We kicked DevLink off last night with a speakers dinner held at Stoney River Legendary Steaks.  I don’t know about everyone else but my steak was fabulous!  My compliments to the sponsors for picking such a great place.  Everyone had a good time and it was good to see people I hadn’t seen in a while.   You are probably wondering who was there so I made it a point to take a picture at every single table last night to document who was there.  You can view them here:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/keithelder/sets/72157602387712580/

See if you notice a theme to some of the pictures, surely you’ll get it.  Hint, everyone needs more of it.  🙂

Devlink 2007 Speakers Dinner 021 


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Google Gmail == Lotus 123, NewSDK == Windows and Apple is Evil?

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Internet | Posted on 09-10-2007

I’m not a link blogger and don’t plan on becoming one so don’t expect too many of these type of posts but JoelOnSoftware has a really good article about why he thinks Gmail is Lotus 123 and this new up and coming SDK is Windows.  For those of us that like speculation, what ifs, and some history mixed in this is a must read for you.   Check out the post here:


BTW the up and coming SDK doesn’t exist, he’s just speculating but interesting thoughts nonetheless.

For those of you that purchased an iPhone and put the unlock software on it only to have your $600 iPhone bricked check out ArcaneCode’s entry about is Apple the new evil empire?
