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Preparations For Hurricane Gustav

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Family | Posted on 31-08-2008

I’ve been receiving a lot of phone calls, text messages and emails this evening about what’s going on with the hurricane where I live and how it is going to impact us.  Here is where things stand and our preparations.

Gustav’s Track

I’ve been using the following map to assist in tracking hurricane Gustav.


Some of you have asked where I’m at so here is a map of where Gustav is supposed to track along with an arrow pointing where we are located.


As you can tell we are about 60 miles inland.  Right now it is roughly 8:00 PM on Sunday August 31st and we are already seeing outer band rains and winds.  The local stations are doing a great job keep us up to date on what to expect.  We are supposed to have power outages in the area but they will not be as wide spread as when Katrina hit.  Winds are estimated to reach up to 70+ miles / hour so definite damage will happen. 

Anything can happen at any time depending which way the hurricane tracks.  But as long as it stays to the west, I think we’ll be ok. 


We’ve prepared pretty heavily for the storm.  Thursday I hit the stores getting supplies.  Mainly non-perishable items (canned foods, etc).  Saturday I got up and started working in the yard.  I went to the gas station down road to get gas for the lawnmower and it was crazy.  People had already started evacuating and there was a line.  While I was there I filled up the two cans I brought with me and then went back to the house.  I filled up the lawn mower and generator then took all five gas cans back to get them filled up.  I got the generator running pretty easily.  Surprisingly it started on the first lick.  I stabilized the gas and changed the oil.  In total we have 25 gallons of gas on hand and we have both vehicles full of gas.  Getting gas early is key because once the evacuations start, gas goes quickly as thousands upon thousands of people hit the highways.  Then of course, if the power goes out, gas can’t be pumped.

In case we have to go days without power we’ve got non-perishable foods, two coolers of ice, three cases of bottled water, 2 cases of Gatorade, a window air conditioner (that I’ll take back to Lowe’s if we don’t wind up using it), an extra chain saw blade to cut limbs and trees, batteries, a bathtub full of water, Sirius Satellite Radio to keep informed, extension cords, meat to cook with on the grill that is currently in the freezer, five bags of charcoal, lantern, 5 propane bottles, a shower bag, and  a propane stove.  Basically, if you want to prepare for a hurricane, just think about going camping and pack all of that.

This evening it was sunny and pretty so I broke out the video camera and filmed the place including the entire outside of the house, shed, yard, surrounding trees, and back of deck.  I mainly did that for insurance purposes and to remind us what things looked like before and after.  I was thinking about putting up a before and after video.  That of course depends on how bad the after is.

Staying in touch

To keep everyone informed I will more than likely be twittering events as things progress (follow me here http://twitter.com/keithelder).  Things aren’t supposed to heat up until early in the morning.  If you have me on instant messenger and see that I’m no longer online, then I’ve lost power and or cable Internet.  If things are like they were when Katrina hit, the power will go before cell phones.  Thus I should be able to get messages out.

Like everyone we are just hoping for the best.  We’ve prepared as well as we can and now it is just a waiting game. 

Witty Twitter Published

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Internet, Smart Clients | Posted on 30-08-2008

Update to latest version of Witty Twitter here:


A new version of Witty Twitter was just published this morning, version


  There aren’t any major new features in this release but over the last several months there has been progress.  Here they are:


Witty supports Tourniquet which is a personal caching twitter proxy.  Tourniquet was written by the mad scientist Jason Follas.  Tourniquet solves a lot of the problems with Twitter being down and opens the door for a lot of other interesting things to happen.  Check out the project on Codeplex.

If you’ve ever been temporarily disconnected while Witty was it was running you’ve no doubt seen the error messages that Witty couldn’t update itself.  Witty checks every hour to see if there are any updates in the background if and there is it prompts you to do an update.  The error message was removed from Witty so you should no longer see this.

Pop up notifications now appear on the first display not the second (yeah!). 

If you need to use Witty through a proxy the UI was fixed so when the application starts for the first time this can be entered.

Additional exceptions that might occur when Twitter would be down are now accounted for along with several other changes.

In no particular order, the developers that contributed since the last update of Witty was published:

  • Alan Le (project founder)
  • Scott Koon
  • Jon Galloway
  • Keith Elder
  • Paul White
  • Jason Follas

Thanks to everyone that contributed, keep ‘em coming.

How To Update Witty

  1. If Witty is running go into the options screen of Witty and click update.  It will download and restart Witty.
  2. Click on the ClickOnce URL to install Witty if you’ve never installed it here:  http://keithelder.net/software/witty/witty.application
  3. If you already have Witty installed and it isn’t running, simply launch it, it should update.

Dear Joe: I’m NORM.Net

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Asp.Net | Posted on 29-08-2008

I love a good discussion even if blogs, comments, and track backs are an extremely poor way to have one.  Joe Brinkman, someone I have known face to face for several years, and someone I respect, read my previous article about my call to arms aimed at developers not spending enough time making their sites work across browsers who are using Asp.Net.   He responded with a post referencing the Alt.Net movement.  My article has a lot of truth in it and some good points but at the end of the article I gave a recommendation for developers to consider using Asp.Net MVC.  It is this that seems to have spurred not only Joe on but several other people as well.  So for Joe and several others that responded, seemingly turning the discussion into MVC vs Webforms (which was not the intent), here you go.

I want to start with Joe’s reference which he heavily eluded to the fact that I’m a part of the Alt.Net movement.  First and foremost let’s be clear that I do not lump myself into the Alt.Net movement.  With that said I don’t publicly disassociate myself with Alt.Net either.  I pretty much stand in the middle I think.  Standing in the middle is something I like to call NORM.Net.  I want to start there because the tone of Joe’s post seemed to lump me into the throws of a movement whereby he read my article thinking I was involved with said movement and coming at it from that angle.  This is not the case.  I’m just a normal guy trying to write code and solve problems and peaking around the corner to see if there is something else out there.  I’m not sure what that makes me but when I wake up in the morning I feel like a normal developer with average skills trying to do an outstanding job for my employer with what God gave me to work with.

Joe did make some great points and he was dead on about developers having to care.  This basically sums up the first two things I said which I’ll get to in a second.  It is funny he mentioned the drag and drop scenario because I’ve spent hours arguing that it has a place.  Obviously that stance wasn’t popular with who I was arguing it with but again I’m NORM.Net.  Like Joe I’ve also argued that Webforms and drag and drop can be made to be compliant and yes the onus is on the developer to make it compliant.  Here is the thing though.  If Webforms is the only thing a developer has to work with, he/she certainly has to care more and work harder to make it compliant. 

Secondly let me clear this up.  I gave “recommendations” not “solutions”.  I gave my recommendations based on something someone that cares about standards and cross platform ability can use once they buy into my first two points.  The first two points of my recommendation were simple:

1.  Care more about web standards
2.  Do extensive testing on more than just IE, test across more platforms

If a developer does those two things, and those two things alone I wouldn’t have had three scenarios to point to that forced me to use Internet Explorer.  That’s how the problem is solved folks.  Make no bones about it.

If the developer is doing those two basic things, caring and testing, here is what I think will happen.   I think they will eventually come to the realization that Webforms is much harder to do this with.  It is for this reason I threw out the MVC recommendation.  This is the same conclusion that countless developers that have investigated Asp.Net Webforms that are experts in other technologies have come to the conclusion of as well so this is nothing new.  Ask any ruby dev or php dev or insert dev here what their experience with Webforms was and they’ll say without waiver that it was painful.  I’ve felt that pain before as well and thus if there is something better out there that solves for the problem use it.  See?  It is about using the right tool for the job.

Therefore, instead of using Webforms and working around some of the challenges it brings to the table (which doesn’t mean you can’t, it boils down to ones pain thresh hold) my recommendation is to use MVC for “public facing web sites”.  Meaning if someone asks me what they should use for a public facing web site, from me, they will always get the answer of Asp.Net MVC, at least to start with.    Does that mean MVC is the one single end all be all answer forever?  No.  It is a starting point and as part of the NORM.Net movement I reserve the right to look at their situation and recommend something else if another tool would serve the situation better. 

Now I use the words “public facing web sites” in quotes to highlight the fact that this requirement must be part of the conversation.  If someone asks me about building an internal application for their Intranet, they will get a different answer because for internal applications there is typically a standard set to support one browser and RAD plays a much bigger role.  Again, use the right tool for the right job.

At the end of the day, all I’m saying is for Asp.Net developers to 1) care and 2) test and 3) use the right tool for the right job.  I think that is a pretty level headed approach.  We can argue MVC vs Webforms all day long but honestly I really don’t care.  Seriously, I really don’t care what someone uses as long as I and others are not forced to open another browser to get to a web site.  This is what spurred this whole thing on.  It isn’t about tools and I’m even sorry for throwing the MVC recommendation into my previous post because it has distracted so much from the problem. 

With that said, I will say this.  I don’t care what my neighbor uses to mow his yard.  If he chooses to mow his yard with a push mower and it takes him 4 hours to do so I don’t care.  All I care about is he mows his yard, the end result.  When I first bought the house we live in now I mowed our 1.5 acres with a push mower.  It took 7 hours to get to the end result of a mowed yard.  After mowing the yard twice, I replaced that tool (the push mower) with another one (48inch riding mower) and now the end result takes 1 hour.  Feel free to apply that story to this conversation however you want.  I’ll let you, the reader, decide where it goes.

NORM.Net President and Founder
Keith Elder

PS – for those that don’t know my sense of humor, no I’m not starting another .Net movement

Dear Asp.Net Developers: Stop Making Our Technology Look Bad

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Asp.Net | Posted on 28-08-2008

I run Firefox pretty much all the time.  I like the plug ins and other features it has but there are times when I am forced, yes forced to open Internet Explorer.  That pretty much ruins my whole day to have to start another browser to do something.  It isn’t that I despise IE, if the opposite were true and I was running IE and had to open Firefox to do something well that would ruin my day.  Before you IE / MSFT haters jump in let me just say that no matter which operating system I have used over the years I can’t remember a single time that I was able to use one browser 100% of the time without fail.  This problem can be fixed though, and it starts with Asp.Net developers.

Like I said, no matter which operating system I’ve run over the years I have never been able to use one browser 100% of the time.  There was always something that I needed to do that forced me to use another browser, even on a different operating system sometimes.  For example, when I was using my Mac with OSX I liked to run Safari.  I quickly found out though that Safari didn’t work on this site or that site and I was forced to open Firefox (which back then wasn’t as great of a story as it is now). 

What Do All of These Sites Have in Common?

Recently I ran into some issues that drove me to right this article.  There are three scenarios I ran into that I want to discuss.

Scenario One – I need to do what to read HTML?

The other day I was trying to do real work and went to a web site using Firefox.  I wanted to simply read some FAQs (frequently asked questions) on a web site.  For whatever reason, the Asp.Net developer that wrote the site made the site in such a way that it would not work with Firefox.  I kept clicking on a + sign which indicated there were answers and questions below this navigational menu.  Nothing was happening though.  I then reluctantly started Internet Explorer.  I copied the URL I was on and pasted it into IE’s toolbar.  As soon as I hit the site I was prompted to install an ActiveX control.  You read that correctly!  This public facing web site in the year 2008 had me install an ActiveX control just to get some plain HTML text that I needed.  My jaw hit the floor. 

Scenario Two – It’s just JavaScript!

A few days later I was on another site and clicked on some JavaScript clicky thingy within Firefox and nothing happened.  I HAD to get to this information and I finally gave up.  I opened Internet Explorer to get to the information I needed.  That of course meant I had to re-authenticate and go through eight pages of navigation to find what I was looking for in the first place.

Scenario Three – It is suppose to look like what?

A few hours later I was cooking along with Firefox thinking I had squashed the Internet gremlins for the day and that I’d be able to use my beloved Firefox browser without incident.  I started going through my email queue processing items I needed to get done.  One of the items on my list was to register our user group on CodeZone.  CodeZone is a community site that is supposed to help user group leaders with their user groups.  I pulled up the site and saw this:


Yes, it looks horrible but I tried to put up with the crazy un-zen-like-css-badness and navigate my way around.  And then it happened, I couldn’t take it any longer because I couldn’t find anything I was looking for so I opened up Internet Explorer.  When I went to the site I saw this:


Wow.  Just wow.  I’m ok with a few CSS things being out of line on a site, but this is just blatant not giving a crap.  It was at this point that I started writing this article. 

Survey Says…..!

The question I proposed at the start of the above section was what do these web sites have in common.  The answer is they are ALL Asp.Net web sites.  Now I know some of you that are web developers do not hold Internet Explorer in high regards due to the lack of standards it supports.  Believe me, I have felt that pain before as well.  But this is the opposite case whereby Internet Explorer is working and Firefox doesn’t work!  This my friends has to stop. 

This is one of those elephants in the room that gives developers in other communities ammunition against the Asp.Net platform.  The thing is, it isn’t good ammunition, nor factual, but it certainly sends the wrong message about our platform.  If you are an Asp.Net developer developing a public facing web site, look at the message this is sending to those not in the Asp.Net community.  Just think about the damage this is doing for the platform.  For starters, sites like these send the message that Asp.Net web sites ONLY work with Internet Explorer.  In other words those developers think that sites written with Asp.Net require Internet Explorer to function.  Then they think this is a problem with the platform and thus it must be flawed, proprietary and locks someone into the Microsoft platform from all angles.  This couldn’t be further from the truth but that’s what people think, especially those that are on the outside looking in.  When someone is considering Asp.Net these are the instances they remember in the back of their mind.  If a new platform is investigated, Asp.Net is viewed as already being behind. 

Again this isn’t the fault of the platform, it is the fault of the developer(s) and it is these cases that make our platform and choice of technology look extremely bad.  There are tons of web sites out there that are built with Asp.Net that work in any browser.  The only difference between the site that doesn’t and the one that does is the developer didn’t make it a priority or made bad decisions along the way.  There are web sites written in Asp.Net that adhere to standards and work across different operating systems and browsers.  This blog is currently running SubText and it is an example of an actively developed system in Asp.Net that doesn’t have this problem.  Even non open source products like GraffitiCMS which Deep Fried Bytes uses is an interesting case study.  It is interesting because it does URL rewriting thus pages do not end in .aspx and the HTML is 100% standards compliant.  This makes it interesting because I have personally had numerous people ask me what we are running on that site.  Funny enough, most people think we are using PHP.  There is no way for them to know what we are running and I think that strikes at the heart of the problem with the perception of the Asp.Net platform.  People think all pages must end in .aspx and there is no way to build a site with Asp.Net that is standards compliant.  For those of us that know the platform, we know this is just not the case.  Yet, there are endless examples for people to point to that are bad. 

The other message web sites that only work in Internet Explorer send to the community is Asp.Net developers could care less about standards and testability outside of Internet Explorer.  I know for a fact there are a lot of Asp.Net developers that care about standards.  They do a great job making sure their web site is built in that way.  With that said, this reminds me of the saying “It only takes one bad apple to spoil the rest”.  Let me give you a scenario.  Let’s say there is a web site that works for 99 out of 100 people.  The one person it doesn’t work for is running Linux or a Mac.  By the mere fact the site doesn’t look correct on their platform or the fact they are forced to load something like an ActiveX control which there is NO WAY they can load, that one person is going to tell everyone else about their problem.  As a matter of fact that individual tends to be more vocal than the other 99.  It is just a fact of life that we never hear about good things, always the bad (just watch the 5:00 news). 

My Recommendations

I’ve talked a lot about the problem and the impact it can have.  Now I want to talk about some things Asp.Net developers can do to make this better.  For starters Asp.Net developers need to care more about standards and work to test their web sites across all platforms.  Doing those two things will force someone to think twice about how a user running OSX and Safari will use an ActiveX control for example. 

Beyond those two basic requirements there are a few other things I’ll recommend.  Today the ball game has changed in regards to Asp.Net.  This is a good thing.  In particular there are more options that developers can use instead of rolling their own.  There are also other options that don’t rely on ViewState and out of the box controls that provide Asp.Net developers more flexibility.  Here’s my advice for Asp.Net developers, let me just get it out of the way now.

If you are building a public facing web site in Asp.Net you should be using Asp.Net MVC.

This is my default answer for anyone building a public facing web site in Asp.Net.  As a long time PHP developer I know the benefits of using the MVC pattern inside and out.  While it doesn’t work for every single scenario out there (portals for example), it is what I suggest developers start with when building any Asp.Net web site.  The thing is, it isn’t that hard either.  The page life cycle is extremely simplified and there are guidelines as to where you put things (this is a good thing in my opinion).  In Asp.Net MVC the developer puts this here, that there, names it this or that and badda bing, they have a page that allows them to create whatever they want within their template.  As a matter of fact the way Asp.Net MVC works is very similar to the PHP framework I helped build and used years ago.

Once a developer gets going with Asp.Net MVC they’ll start to realize that similar to PHP and other scripting foo languages where HTML and code are mixed they wind up with something Jeff Atwood calls Tag Soup.  To combat tag soup in templates my default answer is bake in a better template engine.  My default answer for this is NVelocity.  I mentioned GraffitiCMS above and this is what Graffiti uses to do templates.  To understand how powerful this is here is a sample.  I invite you to visit our contact us page on our podcast.  Here’s the URL:  http://deepfriedbytes.com/contact/.

What do you think the template for that page looks like?  I can’t begin to express how simple that page template is behind the site.  Here’s the actual HTML template for that page:

   1: <div class="article">
   2:   <h1 class="title">$post.Title</h1>
   3:   <div class="body">
   4:         $post.Body
   5: <h2>Send us a Question</h2>
   6: $macros.ContactForm()
   8:   </div>
   9: </div>

It almost immediately reminds me of PHP templates and I suddenly start to feel warm and fuzzy inside.  NVelocity is a an open source project that was born from YAP (yet another project) called Velocity

Here’s the question though.  Do these recommendations fix the problems of the three sites I mentioned above?  That is debatable even in my own mind.  At the end of the day, I nor anyone else can stop what a developer does in their code.  That is just a fact.  What these recommendations do is give developers using Asp.Net an absolute way to care about what they are sending down the pipe to their client’s browsers.  They are now 100% in control of what gets sent down the pipe to their clients.  It is the ability to control the output that is extremely important, especially when building public facing web sites.

What else can Asp.Net developers do?  For starters they must NEVER assume.  They must NEVER assume their users are just windows users running Internet Explorer.  Even Microsoft properties are guilty of this and yet again I say, this must stop.  Long gone should be the days of basic site features not working on all browsers in all major operating systems.  I know it is easy to say this and hard to do but the web is what it is.  If you’ve chosen to build web sites then you’ll just have to deal with this rusty washer. 

I wrote this article because I really like our platform.  I have lived the open source / iLife (play on words for the years I used a Mac) for many years and I know how these camps think.  I also have had a lot of conversations with developers in these camps.  More times than not I have to do what I call “Myth Busting” because of what they’ve seen on the Internet in regards to public facing web sites using Asp.Net.  I can’t stress this enough.  It is important that each and every site built with our platform is a shining example of developers doing it right.  In other words, before you build that public web site and embed that ActiveX control stop and think.  Do you really want to make the rest of us look bad?  Do you really want to give that one person out of one hundred the ammunition they need to spoil the masses?  Did you do your diligence to test your web site on multiple platforms and multiple browsers in multiple resolutions?  Moving forward I hope you do.

UPDATE: There is a follow up response posted here.  This is why comments are now closed:


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Windows Server 2008 and WIFI

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Windows | Posted on 21-08-2008

After installing Windows Server 2008 on my notebook I thought I had everything working and figured out.  I arrived at my friends house the other day with notebook in hand and wanted to check email.  I opened my notebook and his WIFI network wasn’t showing up on my machine.  I downloaded 4 different drivers and spent several hours trying to figure out why wireless wasn’t working.  I was literally about to give up on getting WIFI working on server 2008.  And then it hit me, did I enable the wireless LAN in features?  Turns out, it wasn’t on.  So if you have a problem with a wireless card not working if you are running Server 2008 be sure you enable this feature.  Here is how to turn this on. 

Open Server Manager and then click on Add Features.


Enable the Wireless LAN Service at the bottom.


After the service is installed you should be able to get wireless (assuming you have the correct drivers).
