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Deep Fried Bytes Episode 7: Talking Domain-Drive Design with David Laribee – Part 2

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Podcast | Posted on 25-07-2008

Last week we published part one of our discussion about Domain Driven Design with David Laribee.  Today we published part two

Part two pretty much picks up right where part one left off..  This episode is longer than part one coming in at forty seven minutes long.

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August 26th – Visual Studio Tips and Tricks with Sara Ford

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in .Net, Visual Studio | Posted on 25-07-2008

The first meeting for Hub City NUG will be held on August 26th on the campus of the University of Southern Mississippi at the Liberal Arts Building Room 205 starting at 7:00 PM with refreshments starting at 6:30 PM.  The topic for this month is “Visual Studio Tips and Tricks”!  Our presenter, Sara Ford, is famous for her series of tips and tricks for Visual Studio and has produced literally hundreds of them.  Things you probably never knew about!  This is going to be a great talk for people new to the .Net platform as well as the veterans.

We are fortunate to have Sara Ford from Microsoft in the area who will kick off this first meeting and it is a great topic to get things started.  If you are a student in the area and have always wondered what life is like at Microsoft, Sara will be glad to fill you in.  These days she spends most of her time promoting open source software within Microsoft, and they still let her keep her job!

A special thanks to the Office of Professional Development and Educational Outreach for working with us to provide a location for Hub City NUG.  We are excited about this great partnership to be able to work with an organization that is committed to building community and growing technology in Hattiesburg.

About The Presenter

clip_image001A native of Waveland, MS, Sara Ford is the Program Manager for CodePlex, Microsoft’s open source project hosting site. Prior to joining CodePlex, she worked 6 years on the Visual Studio Core Team. Her roles on the Visual Studio Core Team included running the Power Toys for Visual Studio as open source projects on CodePlex, testing the Visual Studio environment, and driving the effort to make Visual Studio 2005 accessible to developers who are blind or have low-vision. She continues to run the Visual Studio Tip of the Day on her blog.

Blog/Website:  http://blogs.msdn.com/saraford

Back in one hour

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Internet | Posted on 24-07-2008

I grew up in a small town and it wasn’t uncommon when I was growing up to go to the town square and see something like this on store windows:

“At lunch, back at 1:00”

Notice the definitive time when the business owner will be back.

I was reminded of this today when I pulled up twitter and saw this:


Ok, that’s great, but WHEN DID YOU START COUNTING?

Do I Search That Much?

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Internet | Posted on 24-07-2008

Did you know that Google keeps a history of things for you on their site? Try http://www.google.com/history/ if you have a Google account.  You’ll find some interesting information out about yourself.  For example I had no idea that I searched more in the month of May than any other month coming in at 792 searches.


I also didn’t know that I search for more things on the Internet on Monday than any other day.  It must be all of that downtime built up from the weekend before.


Of course they are just interesting numbers but it just shows me how much I rely on search day to day.

If you have a Google account, see which days you search the most on.  I’m sure someone can beat my scores.  Who searches more than me?

New Charcoal Grill – Brinkmann Stainless Steel

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Man Toys | Posted on 23-07-2008

When we lived in Ann Arbor, MI several years ago, our apartment complex wouldn’t let us use a charcoal grill.  Thus, we had to purchase a gas grill.  Being a charcoal guy I was incredibly disappointed.

Fast forward 6-7 years later our $119.00 Wal-mart special gas grill had seen its better days.  Out of gas and needing to replace the burners and more it was time to upgrade.

Using a birthday gift certificate from Sue (Ellen’s mom) and some ad money from the blog I purchased the Brinkmann Profession Stainless Steel Charcoal Grill (model 810-3214-S) as the replacement.  That’s right, charcoal!  I unboxed it last night and put it together on the deck.  I was a bit worried that putting it together was going to take a long time but it didn’t.  Actually I cost myself about 15 minutes or more for not reading the manual.  I thought at first the unit was missing holes in the side of it but later realized I had to turn the pegs on the legs inward.  Here’s a parts screen shot.


And the final product looks like this:


While this is nowhere near the most expensive grill on the planet it has some features that I really like about it:

  • It is stainless steel to minimize rust
  • It has 540 inches of cooking surface which will basically cook 75lbs of food.  Yeah I think that is plenty!
  • Porcelain coated iron cooking grills (minimizes rust)
  • Ability to adjust charcoal to different heights
  • Easy slide out charcoal tray
  • Built-in temperature gauge

All in all I’m satisfied with the quality and Brinkmann is known to make good products and the availability of parts is also a plus.  Tonight I’ll be curing the grill which will take about 4 hours.  After that, it is BBQ time!