Podcasting From MVP Summit Next Week
Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in .Net, Geek Dinner | Posted on 07-04-2008
Next week is the MVP Summit. This is one of the events I have looked forward to the most since I was fortunate enough to go last year.
MVPs from all across the world descend upon Seattle and Redmond during this week to meet with MVP Leads and product teams from Microsoft. Someone asked me what it is like and I described it as hanging out in the speakers lounge 24/7 at a gigantic conference.
Sunday evening is Party with Palermo. Jeff’s parties have become a staple event for everyone to gather and have fun.
Monday we’ll kick off the summit with a registration, a special key note, and some other break out sessions.
Tuesday we’ll be on the Microsoft campus meeting with product teams viewing the new bits and weighing in our thoughts. Rinse and repeat for Wednesday and Thursday.
Thursday night is the Geek Lager which is going to be held at Kell’s Irish Pub right off of pike street. If you aren’t flying out late on Thursday night or will be in the area, stop on by. You can RSVP for the Geek Lager here as well as get more information. The Corner Bhoys are playing that night starting around 9:00 PM. We’ll kick things off around 7:30ish.
As I mentioned in the title, I am planning on doing some podcasting from the summit. My goal of the podcast sessions are to capture the real world stories about various technologies. Thus you won’t hear anything about something that is coming down the road. If they turn out worthy enough of publication I’ll put them up onto a new domain I have.