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Back From Alabama Code Camp

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Presentations, Speaking | Posted on 08-10-2007

Alabama Code Camp Birgmingham Oct 2007 029Alabama Code Camp was in Birmingham, AL this weekend.  Friday we kicked it off with a speakers dinner  where we had some outstanding tex-mex food.  And then after the event, the speakers and the code campers went out to Buffalo Wild Wings as seen in this pic. 

It was good to see fellow MVPs, Todd Miranda, Jeff Barnes, Jim Wooley and a I met a new MVP which leaves in Tupelo, MS, Mickey Gousset.   Finally I get to meet someone else from Mississippi!  It was also good to see Doug Turnure, the DE for this area.

I spoke on three topics, Structure and Guidance for Organizing Solutions in Visual Studio, Custom Workflow Activities, and What’s new in Visual Studio 2008.  Out of the three, the one that received the most praise was the structuring solutions in Visual Studio.  It really is a fun topic to speak on and something that no one else is covering.  What makes the topic so much fun is it truly helps people and answers a lot of the tough questions for everyone.

I have two of the three topics available for download on my presentations page.  I will be posting the what’s new in Visual Studio 2008 there as well, but after DevLink next week.

View the pictures from the code camp here:


See everyone next time!

Notice: Changing MSN Messenger Handle

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in General | Posted on 05-10-2007

Today I am officially changing my MSN handle to simplify my life. I should have done this about 8 months ago but I kept putting it off.  Today it is official.

The address previously used which was @dotnetpimps.net is no longer going to be valid.  From hence forth it will be the following:


For those of you on my contact list, you’ll be getting new notifications shortly.

Bug in profileService Enumeration within System.Web.Extensions Web.Config file for Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in .Net | Posted on 04-10-2007

Kind of a weird title but it makes sense if you know what I’m talking about.  I was working through some final demos with Client Application Services for the code camp in Birmingham this weekend and found out that the enumeration within the <system.web.extensions> within the web.config file is misspelled. Here is what I’m talking about:



You can see when I typed out this property for the profile element I spelled it correctly, yet the Intellisense points to a different spelling.  I wouldn’t have caught it but I got a compile error and noticed there was a warning as well.  I looked at the warning and found the problem.  I filed a bug for it.  Feel free to vote on it here so this gets fixed:


MVP – Mississippi Varmin Patrol

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Funny Stuff | Posted on 04-10-2007

At work we have a home grown system we use to track bugs, tasks, projects, etc.  We have a lot of fun with it mainly because we can and because it is just a part of our culture.  To celebrate my new MVP award this week, Jona came up with a different twist on what MVP actually stood for.  Pretty funny given my track record of being on phone calls working from home and shooting an occasional varmit from my deck.  It passes the time.


Tracking with Twitter

Posted by Keith Elder | Posted in Howtos, Internet | Posted on 04-10-2007

After several months of using Twitter, I’m still twittering.  I guess because other friends are as well.  As soon as I forget about Twitter I get a text message from someone reminding me haha.  For those that are new to Twitter here are some commands you can do on Twitter if you have setup IM or your mobile phone.

track iphone

Send this via your phone or IM client and anyone who updates in public mentions “iphone” you’ll get it on your device in real-time.  From there you can send “whois username” to find out more about that person, or “follow username” to follow his or her updates.

untrack iphone

This will toggle your tracking on obviously.

You are allowed to create as many tracks as you want but if you want to get a list of what you’re currently tracking send:


or you can send


To turn them all off send:

track off